Start by paying attention to quality

We know quality is everything that’s why we focus on quality

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Our Story

We understand that diversity is one of the most distinctive aspects of Canada. The country is also developed by a growing number of new immigrants each year. However, many of them are currently struggling to adapt and may not be able to perform their abilities well due to cultural or language problems, which is a loss for both them and the corporate. We are trying to establish a standardized recruitment platform for newcomers and local companies, so that employers could better scale each candidate's technique, knowledge, and experience, helping the right person to the right position.

Mission and Vision

Serving New Immigrants, Demonstrate your potential.
We aimed to create a standardized job matching platform that links the growing employer base and experienced newcomers to fill the acute labor market needs with internationally trained talents. Our mission is to break through the “Local Experience a must-have” barrier and build a skill-driven platform to deliver opportunities to newcomers, for free and friction-free.

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